Architects of Deeper Learning Toolbox
Author Statement: When writing Architects of Deeper Learning, it was important to me to create a tools and templates that help with instructional design. In addition to the many resources in the book, I wanted to make an online toolbox available FREE to teachers and leaders who are looking to start their own learning renovation!
I hope these tools are useful to you and your team! Lissa
Introduction, Click HERE
Foreword, Click HERE
Table of Contents, Click HERE
Study Guide, Click HERE
Chapter 1: Blueprint for Deeper Learning
Design Principles aligned to Hattie Research (PDF)
Visible Learning MetaX (Website)
Blueprint for Deeper Learning - All Content Areas (PDF)
Blueprint for Deeper Learning - All Content Areas (Word)
Blueprint Math Option - Flipped Gradual Release (PDF)
Blueprint Math Option - Flipped Gradual Release (Word)
Blueprint Social Studies Option - C3 Framework (PDF)
Blueprint Social Studies Option - C3 Framework (Word)
Blueprint Science Option - 5E Model (PDF)
Blueprint Science Option - 5E Model (Word)
Blueprint Design Thinking Option (PDF)
Blueprint Design Thinking Option (Word)
Rigor & Relevance Framework (PDF)
Chapter 2: Foundation for Learning
Bloom's DOK Cross-Curricular Examples (PDF)
Bloom's DOK Cross-Curricular Examples (Word)
Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrixes - Dr. Karin Hess (Website)
Identifying Focus Standards Gr7 (PDF)
Identifying Focus Standards Template (PDF)
Identifying Focus Standards Template (Word)
Standard Analysis Template (PDF)
Standard Analysis Template (Word)
Teaching and Learning Map Gr7 ELA (PDF)
Teaching and Learning Map Template (PDF)
Teaching and Learning Map Template (Word)
Chapter 3: Framing the Problem
Frame the Problem Template (PDF)
Frame the Problem Template (Word)
Ideas for Student Roles (PDF)
English Language Arts Tasks Rigor Relevance Quadrant (PDF)
Math Tasks (PDF)
Science Tasks (PDF)
Social Studies Tasks (PDF)
Career Technical Education Tasks (PDF)
Chapter 4: Construction of Knowledge
Construction of Knowledge Task Template (PDF)
Construction of Knowledge Task Template (Word)
Five Thrive Instructional Strategies All Learners (PDF)
Paper Airplane (PDF)
Question Stems (PDF)
Learner-Centered Self Assessment (PDF)
Learner-Centered Self-Assessment (Word)
Technology by Rigor & Relevance Quadrants (PDF)
Chapter 5: Inspection of Results
Single Point Rubric Options (PDF)
Single Point Rubric Options (Word)
Student Learning Plan Options (PDF)
Student Learning Plan Options (Word)
Chapter 6: Start a Learning Renovation
Evaluating Four Ps (PDF)
Self Assessment Design Principles (PDF)
Self-Assessment of Design Principles (Word)
Our Construction Plan Template (PDF)
Our Construction Plan Template (Word)
Instructional Coaching Plan Template (PDF)
Instructional Coaching Plan Template (Word)
Weekly Lesson Plan Options (PDF)
Weekly Lesson Plan Options (Word)

Learning Architects UNITE!
Become a Learning Architect and Modernize Instructional Practice
What does it take to transform into a master educator in today’s age? How does one become a true architect of deeper learning, designing a blueprint for building successful student futures?
Educator, advocate, and author Lissa Pijanowski’s groundbreaking Architects of Deeper Learning shows educators how to design, implement, and assess meaningful classroom work, thereby enabling students to solve complex problems, communicate effectively, collaborate with others, and generate powerful ideas.
Incorporating insights gleaned from extensive study and years of classroom experience, Pijanowski presents an innovative philosophy of teaching and leadership. Based on eight design principles to facilitate deeper learning, the Blueprint for Deeper Learning offers a clear framework for designing student learning experiences that are rigorous, relevant, and engaging. This blueprint is an anchor for all content areas across K–12 and is compatible with any set of standards.
Architects of Deeper Learning equips educators with the tools they need to modernize instructional practice. Featuring a step-by-step overview of the lesson-building process—from setting learning goals to assessing student work—Pijanowski reveals how to craft lessons that best prepare students to be future-ready. Ready to redesign your instruction and turn good into great? Begin your journey to become an architect of deeper learning today.